Select a topic to navigate to the testimonials to show a behaviour or topic that best relates to your dog.
When we asked Liz into our home we had a huge assortment of issues we wanted to deal with. Our chocolate lab Bosco has separation anxiety and his behaviors when I would come home were becoming unmanageable between him nipping at me, jumping on me and out of control barking. We also had some aggression issues in the backyard with Bosco going after his brother Hrudey (10 month rottie x). I was at the point before Liz came in the house that I couldn’t even walk Bosco on a leash or take him to the dog park because of his behavior. Chevy our 7 year old collie x also had some major “refereeing” issues that often would result in snapping, snarling or even a fight. Chevy would often retreat to the bedroom and lay by himself away from everything and everyone simply because being the ref all the time was too stressful. We had issues with all the dogs when someone would come to our front door and trying to get guests settled in the house.

Liz simplified and explained what our dogs were needing from us as the leaders in the house. Liz does NOT promote any violence or even touching the dog while training our dogs. She spent a few hours with us and our dogs each session and was very diligent to make sure any questions we had were answered before she left…if we did or do have more questions for her we have unlimited support from her for 1 year. We have learnt so much about our dogs and about ourselves, what my dogs need from me is no longer a question.
I now come home to a quiet household, there are no more fights in the backyard with Bosco, and leash walking doesn’t seem like such an impossible feet anymore and we are making huge progress. Chevy has now realized that Kayla and I have things under control in the house and is always hanging out with us with no need to ref all the dogs play! We truly have a multi dog home I am proud to have people over to, we would not have been able to accomplish this with the help of Liz at Furry Logic Dog Training.
A lot of rescue dogs come in (Aimee and Kayla are foster parents for a rescue organization.) with behavioral issues which need the guidance and leadership of an amazing person. Every person has a different training style and way of getting things done. Liz came into our home and trained Kayla and I, she gave us the knowledge and tools needed to have a very happy home. Kayla and I strongly recommend Furry Logic Dog Training to anyone with pets!
My husband and I decided to get a dog after much consideration, and we couldn’t wait! We’d both had experience with dogs and I had grown up around all kinds of breeds. We were pretty sure we knew what we were in for. That was until our puppy, Barnaby, grew into a fearful-dominant 60lb dog. It started slowly; when we visited the dog park he began engaging in dominant behaviour such as mounting and pinning, which gradually turned into growling and lunging both at the park and on leash, and got to a point where we just couldn’t take him to dog parks anymore and had to be very careful on leash walks. He began barking uncontrollably at every little noise in the house, and Sean and I decided it was time to get some help. Our first experience with dog traning was through a different, well known organization. We tried their tactics for a while and saw some improvements, but Barnaby would alway behave differently in the classes than he would at home, which made it difficult to explain and improve his behaviours. Things took ten steps backwards when we adopted our second dog; Egbert. He had a very sweet temperament, but quickly picked up the bad habits of his big brother Barnaby. We still thought we could handle things; but our situation got even worse. Our cat suddenly decided he’d had enough of Barnaby being the boss and extremely stressful cat-dog battles ensued regularly. The final straw came when our new neighbours moved in with two bulldogs. Barnaby would aggressively attack the fence every time they were in the yard. With all of the stressful walks, uncontrollable barking, cat spats, and aggressive behaviour I thought we would never regain control over our dogs. What had happened to the sweet little pup we brought home two years earlier?!

Then I called Furry Logic dog training. The two main reasons that we chose them was that they would meet us in our home where the problems were actually happening, and the testimonials said that their techniques worked immediately. That was what we needed. We were skeptical that this was too good to be true, but when I explained our situation to Liz on the phone she was confident that she could help us bring our house back to order. She was able to meet us within two weeks of our initial phone call, and to our amazement (and huge relief!) we did see immediate results. Liz explained to us the way that dogs see the world and communicate with us (she even pointed out that our sweet cuddly Egbert was actually passively dominating us!), and how our everyday behaviour was actually encouraging our dog’s negative behaviours. She quickly taught us how to communicate with our dogs in a way that they understood, and went through different exercises with us to help us in our key problem areas. Liz told us that as our dogs began to understand that we were in control they would actually relax more and begin to trust us. We couldn’t believe how quickly the tactics she showed us began to work, and neither could our friends and family! In the past three months we have been able to stop almost all of the negative behaviours in our home and yard, and our walks continue to improve every week. It has been so nice to know that Liz and Yves are always there for support when we need them, and we are so grateful for the tools and knowledge that they have provided us with. Our dogs are once again a source of joy for us, rather than a source of tears and frustration! We would highly recommend Furry Logic dog training to anyone and everyone who is looking to improve their relationship with their dogs. Thank you so much Liz and Yves!!
This is our thank you for all of your help, you’re two great people with such a remarkable gift to share. I hope our testimonial inspires anyone looking for help to contact you. So here’s a tidbit of our story to share..
We have a black lab x collie named Nina who was quite the “food hound” and incessant barker but otherwise the sweetest, kindest pooch. Our Argentine mastiff Duke had several behavior issues that needed addressing right away, the major one being physical. He is a powerful dog with a lot of energy who lacked the ability to be gentle and mind his humans. We were so fearful he could hurt someone, especially children. We felt helpless and with 3 kids and myself being pregnant with our 4th we really needed to get a handle on things.The dogs totally “ruled the roost”…until Liz and Yves walked through our door.

We are so grateful to have had the opportunity to work with you two. You are amazing. You’ve established a “balance” in our home and helped make it what it should be…peaceful. Our once out of control Duke is now calmer and so well behaved, walks are much more enjoyable. Our once loud and rude Nina is quieter, more respectful and even more sweet. The dogs know who’s boss now, NOT them and thus the hierarchy has been corrected. Best of all, it was so simple and painless. I LOVE that you go into homes to help because that is where the bad behaviors stem and for the bad behaviors to be bit in the butt, there’s no better place to do it!
For anyone searching for a dog trainer, we highly and ONLY recommend Furry Logic.
I am extremely impressed to see my dog perform day-to-day activities at his full potential with the guidance demonstrated by the Furry Logic dog trainers. Here is my story.
We adopted Fozzie, a pitbull mix, at the age of 1½ years from an animal shelter in Manitoba. My expecting wife, and myself, recently moved to Alberta to start a new life with our new family but a fairy tale ending with our dog did not seem possible.
From the day we adopted Fozzie, he was excessively hyperactive and uncontrollable. His youthful energy that matched our own did not seem to be a problem for us until we got the news that a baby was on the way. We quickly had to buckle down and start controlling our dog and coming from a rural town to a big city was a big change for all of us, especially Fozzie. Suddenly, we had to lay down some ground rules on our hyperactive dominant dog.

Fozzie would chase after cars, and get all hyped up when he saw another dog. We could not control him on a leash, and hey, we never had too. We didn’t think it was possible for his behavior to change and that was when we started looking into professional training. We did not want to get rid of him, and still don’t, so giving him up was not an option. We figured we would try Furry Logic.
The trainers from Furry Logic taught us how our body language directly affects his energy and by channeling in on different energy with our body language we could control our dog. Sounds crazy, right? If you saw Fozzie 2 months ago and saw him now you wouldn’t believe the results! We can affectively walk him and control him. This tough, strong brute of a dog used to drag us around and now he looks for our leadership…a perfect relationship. As far as I’m concerned if Fozzie could be trained than any dog can be trained. Guests used to get clobbered by Fozzie at the entrance and now Fozzie greets them with respect.
The value of knowledge we as a family have gained from Furry Logic cannot be compared to any other method and believe me we tried them all. We tried all sorts of methods and tools before we resorted to help and looking back I could have saved a heck-of-a-load of money if I just got the advice from professionals originally. You can read what you can online, but these people have devoted their lives to understanding animal behavior and they have saved us from getting rid of a life we truly love.
Thanks for your help Furry Logic!
Charlee is a year and a half old miniature Schnauzer, with fear dominant personality. His first show of aggression was at eight weeks while brushing him. He drew blood and I was shocked. He played hard and was fun to watch. As he got older he was impossible to train. “No” meant “yes” to him. I couldn’t catch him. He would run. He chewed anything he could get a hold of. He didn’t want to be held. He would lie off in a corner. I was lost of how to help him and me.
I wanted to send him back to the breeders so many times but I couldn’t. I talked to the Vet, trainers, pet stores, the breeder, the net. A lot of their suggestions made it worse. He was afraid of people, bikes, cars and especially dogs. He fought the leash. Poor little Charlee. I was at my wits end.

Two months ago I heard of Furry Logic. They started to train me to understand how a dog thinks and functions in the pack, to gain his respect without instilling more fear, using mainly my voice and the leash. Today he is loving and gentle, comes when called, leashed trained. His fears are gone.
Thank you Yves and Liz. You were there in person and by phone when I needed you. We are ever grateful.
This is our thank you for all of your help, you’re two great people with such a remarkable gift to share. I hope our testimonial inspires anyone looking for help to contact you. So here’s a tidbit of our story to share..
We have a black lab x collie named Nina who was quite the “food hound” and incessant barker but otherwise the sweetest, kindest pooch. Our Argentine mastiff Duke had several behavior issues that needed addressing right away, the major one being physical. He is a powerful dog with a lot of energy who lacked the ability to be gentle and mind his humans. We were so fearful he could hurt someone, especially children. We felt helpless and with 3 kids and myself being pregnant with our 4th we really needed to get a handle on things.The dogs totally “ruled the roost”…until Liz and Yves walked through our door.

We are so grateful to have had the opportunity to work with you two. You are amazing. You’ve established a “balance” in our home and helped make it what it should be…peaceful. Our once out of control Duke is now calmer and so well behaved, walks are much more enjoyable. Our once loud and rude Nina is quieter, more respectful and even more sweet. The dogs know who’s boss now, NOT them and thus the hierarchy has been corrected. Best of all, it was so simple and painless. I LOVE that you go into homes to help because that is where the bad behaviors stem and for the bad behaviors to be bit in the butt, there’s no better place to do it!
For anyone searching for a dog trainer, we highly and ONLY recommend Furry Logic.
It was our pleasure to meet you on Wednesday. I have just had the most pleasant (very quiet) Friday in a very long time. I think I am falling in love with my dogs all over again. Normally I would spend my day off up and down yelling at the dogs for barking, followed by bringing them in the house where they would then bark at whatever dared move outside the front window. What you taught us absolutely works. I swear they even look at us differently like they are looking for direction as to what we want of them. I don’t think I have heard my dogs make a complete bark since you were here. After only one session that is hard to believe. If I weren’t living it I don’t think I would believe it myself. I look forward to seeing you on your second visit to show off my now wonderfully behaved dogs. Thanks so much.

Many thanks for your individualized approach toward training our Yorkies! We believe that in providing their training in the comfort of our own home made the lessons very relevant to our dogs’ needs (they are no longer barking at the cat next door which was becoming a big issue). It was great for all of us to have your support (both on-line and in person) while implementing and practicing these techniques in familiar surroundings. We will highly recommend your program to our friends and family!

My two-year-old beagle Milo has always been a very spirited and determined dog, but after moving to a new home I was at my breaking point with Milo’s disobedience and separation anxiety. We had a real problem with Milo barking and howling while I was away, which caused complaints with neighbours, and created stress and anxiety in myself to even leave the house.
My two-year-old beagle Milo has always been a very spirited and determined dog, but after moving to a new home I was at my breaking point with Milo’s disobedience and separation anxiety. We had a real problem with Milo barking and howling while I was away, which caused complaints with neighbours, and created stress and anxiety in myself to even leave the house.

For our first lesson, Liz showed me how to communicate in a way that was very easy for Milo to understand. We addressed issues like jumping at people entering my home, and respect around food. Liz also provided me with education about dog logic and how misplaced hierarchy in my home was creating anxiety in Milo when I would leave the house.
Almost immediately I saw a huge difference in the way Milo would respond to my commands, where in the past he had a disregard for my direction or would even ignore it. It was completely amazing to see a dog who would normally ignore me start to listen so well!
For my second and third lessons Liz and Yves really focused on different techniques to help resolve the issues of dominance and control between Milo and myself, which are the underlying causes of his separation anxiety. Liz and Yves have given me a variety of tools and methods to help manage my dog in a number of situations whether in my home or outdoors – on leash or at the dog park.
I am incredibly grateful for reaching out to Furry Logic, without their help I would not have the structure and training I badly needed in order to restore respect and leadership between me and my dog!
I am so appreciative of all your help with Milo! I will be sure to keep you up to date on his progress and will utilize my email and phone support!
Thank you!
I just wanted to give you an update on Luca. Justin and I hired Furry Logic to come and help us with the dominant behavior and separation anxiety that he was having and it has worked wonderfully.
It has been 6 days and I already see quite the improvement. He is beginning to relax in his kennel (he is actually laying down before I leave and when I get home) and I have not come home to him defecating in his kennel since Thursday, which is the day that Justin left. I was also able to get some sleep this morning as he waited until my alarm went off and just whined once as opposed to constantly from 6am.

On top of that he is actually submitting and looking to me if he is not sure what I want. When we walk, he is choosing to heal or walk behind me rather than me having to correct him constantly. I am really happy with my experience and thank you so much for recommending them. We have only had two appointments with them and the improvement is already unbelievable. I even see a difference in his overall happiness. He wants to play more, our bond has improved and he is eager to please in all situations.
I just wanted to send you a big thank you for all that you have done to help our family.
I just wanted to give you an update on Luca. Justin and I hired Furry Logic to come and help us with the dominant behavior and separation anxiety that he was having and it has worked wonderfully.
It has been 6 days and I already see quite the improvement. He is beginning to relax in his kennel (he is actually laying down before I leave and when I get home) and I have not come home to him defecating in his kennel since Thursday, which is the day that Justin left. I was also able to get some sleep this morning as he waited until my alarm went off and just whined once as opposed to constantly from 6am.

On top of that he is actually submitting and looking to me if he is not sure what I want. When we walk, he is choosing to heal or walk behind me rather than me having to correct him constantly. I am really happy with my experience and thank you so much for recommending them. We have only had two appointments with them and the improvement is already unbelievable. I even see a difference in his overall happiness. He wants to play more, our bond has improved and he is eager to please in all situations.
I just wanted to send you a big thank you for all that you have done to help our family.
My two-year-old beagle Milo has always been a very spirited and determined dog, but after moving to a new home I was at my breaking point with Milo’s disobedience and separation anxiety. We had a real problem with Milo barking and howling while I was away, which caused complaints with neighbours, and created stress and anxiety in myself to even leave the house.
My two-year-old beagle Milo has always been a very spirited and determined dog, but after moving to a new home I was at my breaking point with Milo’s disobedience and separation anxiety. We had a real problem with Milo barking and howling while I was away, which caused complaints with neighbours, and created stress and anxiety in myself to even leave the house.

For our first lesson, Liz showed me how to communicate in a way that was very easy for Milo to understand. We addressed issues like jumping at people entering my home, and respect around food. Liz also provided me with education about dog logic and how misplaced hierarchy in my home was creating anxiety in Milo when I would leave the house.
Almost immediately I saw a huge difference in the way Milo would respond to my commands, where in the past he had a disregard for my direction or would even ignore it. It was completely amazing to see a dog who would normally ignore me start to listen so well!
For my second and third lessons Liz and Yves really focused on different techniques to help resolve the issues of dominance and control between Milo and myself, which are the underlying causes of his separation anxiety. Liz and Yves have given me a variety of tools and methods to help manage my dog in a number of situations whether in my home or outdoors – on leash or at the dog park.
I am incredibly grateful for reaching out to Furry Logic, without their help I would not have the structure and training I badly needed in order to restore respect and leadership between me and my dog!
I am so appreciative of all your help with Milo! I will be sure to keep you up to date on his progress and will utilize my email and phone support!
Thank you!
When we asked Liz into our home we had a huge assortment of issues we wanted to deal with. Our chocolate lab Bosco has separation anxiety and his behaviors when I would come home were becoming unmanageable between him nipping at me, jumping on me and out of control barking. We also had some aggression issues in the backyard with Bosco going after his brother Hrudey (10 month rottie x). I was at the point before Liz came in the house that I couldn’t even walk Bosco on a leash or take him to the dog park because of his behavior. Chevy our 7 year old collie x also had some major “refereeing” issues that often would result in snapping, snarling or even a fight. Chevy would often retreat to the bedroom and lay by himself away from everything and everyone simply because being the ref all the time was too stressful. We had issues with all the dogs when someone would come to our front door and trying to get guests settled in the house.

Liz simplified and explained what our dogs were needing from us as the leaders in the house. Liz does NOT promote any violence or even touching the dog while training our dogs. She spent a few hours with us and our dogs each session and was very diligent to make sure any questions we had were answered before she left…if we did or do have more questions for her we have unlimited support from her for 1 year. We have learnt so much about our dogs and about ourselves, what my dogs need from me is no longer a question.
I now come home to a quiet household, there are no more fights in the backyard with Bosco, and leash walking doesn’t seem like such an impossible feet anymore and we are making huge progress. Chevy has now realized that Kayla and I have things under control in the house and is always hanging out with us with no need to ref all the dogs play! We truly have a multi dog home I am proud to have people over to, we would not have been able to accomplish this with the help of Liz at Furry Logic Dog Training.
A lot of rescue dogs come in (Aimee and Kayla are foster parents for a rescue organization.) with behavioral issues which need the guidance and leadership of an amazing person. Every person has a different training style and way of getting things done. Liz came into our home and trained Kayla and I, she gave us the knowledge and tools needed to have a very happy home. Kayla and I strongly recommend Furry Logic Dog Training to anyone with pets!
When we contacted you, we had been asking about our young dog Jasper, a 45 lb ball of black furry fun and energy. Our main behavioural complaint with him was his enthusiastic greeting for one and all by jumping up on them, at any time when we were out walking him or when someone came to our door. In addition, his best friend was Fonzie, a 1 1/2 year old Wheaton Terrier.
Both dogs are male, and Jasper, being the younger of the two, had always accepted the junior position. But as he got older, he was becoming more assertive in expressing his manhood with the Fonz, and this created increasingly frequent spats that were becoming more serious with time. So – our hope was that we could learn to train our dog, and Fonzie, into our ways of peace and harmony. You taught us that in order to teach the dogs anything, we had to communicate with them at their level, instead of trying to do it at ours.

The result – and this was totally impressive – was immediate, and with both dogs. We learned to speak dog-speak, a language that they understand, and they responded immediately. Within 15 minutes we saw positive results in both dogs. We learned that our communication with the dogs starts with our tone, and our body language. We learned that they respond and give respect to the Pack Leader. It had seemed so complicated and it became so simple. Now it is practice, and continued reinforcement that lies in front of us.
Before you, we were losing faith in our ability to control our most wonderful pet and his friend, and now – we have more than
pawsitive hope; we have knowledge and the confidence to continue going forward, capable and confident of handling the situations that arise, and being able to deal with them in a way that the dogs understand. All we can say is – Amazing! Wow! And Thank You!
I just wanted to give you an update on Luca. Justin and I hired Furry Logic to come and help us with the dominant behavior and separation anxiety that he was having and it has worked wonderfully.
It has been 6 days and I already see quite the improvement. He is beginning to relax in his kennel (he is actually laying down before I leave and when I get home) and I have not come home to him defecating in his kennel since Thursday, which is the day that Justin left. I was also able to get some sleep this morning as he waited until my alarm went off and just whined once as opposed to constantly from 6am.

On top of that he is actually submitting and looking to me if he is not sure what I want. When we walk, he is choosing to heal or walk behind me rather than me having to correct him constantly. I am really happy with my experience and thank you so much for recommending them. We have only had two appointments with them and the improvement is already unbelievable. I even see a difference in his overall happiness. He wants to play more, our bond has improved and he is eager to please in all situations.
I just wanted to send you a big thank you for all that you have done to help our family.
When we asked Liz into our home we had a huge assortment of issues we wanted to deal with. Our chocolate lab Bosco has separation anxiety and his behaviors when I would come home were becoming unmanageable between him nipping at me, jumping on me and out of control barking. We also had some aggression issues in the backyard with Bosco going after his brother Hrudey (10 month rottie x). I was at the point before Liz came in the house that I couldn’t even walk Bosco on a leash or take him to the dog park because of his behavior. Chevy our 7 year old collie x also had some major “refereeing” issues that often would result in snapping, snarling or even a fight. Chevy would often retreat to the bedroom and lay by himself away from everything and everyone simply because being the ref all the time was too stressful. We had issues with all the dogs when someone would come to our front door and trying to get guests settled in the house.

Liz simplified and explained what our dogs were needing from us as the leaders in the house. Liz does NOT promote any violence or even touching the dog while training our dogs. She spent a few hours with us and our dogs each session and was very diligent to make sure any questions we had were answered before she left…if we did or do have more questions for her we have unlimited support from her for 1 year. We have learnt so much about our dogs and about ourselves, what my dogs need from me is no longer a question.
I now come home to a quiet household, there are no more fights in the backyard with Bosco, and leash walking doesn’t seem like such an impossible feet anymore and we are making huge progress. Chevy has now realized that Kayla and I have things under control in the house and is always hanging out with us with no need to ref all the dogs play! We truly have a multi dog home I am proud to have people over to, we would not have been able to accomplish this with the help of Liz at Furry Logic Dog Training.
A lot of rescue dogs come in (Aimee and Kayla are foster parents for a rescue organization.) with behavioral issues which need the guidance and leadership of an amazing person. Every person has a different training style and way of getting things done. Liz came into our home and trained Kayla and I, she gave us the knowledge and tools needed to have a very happy home. Kayla and I strongly recommend Furry Logic Dog Training to anyone with pets!
My husband and I decided to get a dog after much consideration, and we couldn’t wait! We’d both had experience with dogs and I had grown up around all kinds of breeds. We were pretty sure we knew what we were in for. That was until our puppy, Barnaby, grew into a fearful-dominant 60lb dog. It started slowly; when we visited the dog park he began engaging in dominant behaviour such as mounting and pinning, which gradually turned into growling and lunging both at the park and on leash, and got to a point where we just couldn’t take him to dog parks anymore and had to be very careful on leash walks. He began barking uncontrollably at every little noise in the house, and Sean and I decided it was time to get some help. Our first experience with dog traning was through a different, well known organization. We tried their tactics for a while and saw some improvements, but Barnaby would alway behave differently in the classes than he would at home, which made it difficult to explain and improve his behaviours. Things took ten steps backwards when we adopted our second dog; Egbert. He had a very sweet temperament, but quickly picked up the bad habits of his big brother Barnaby. We still thought we could handle things; but our situation got even worse. Our cat suddenly decided he’d had enough of Barnaby being the boss and extremely stressful cat-dog battles ensued regularly. The final straw came when our new neighbours moved in with two bulldogs. Barnaby would aggressively attack the fence every time they were in the yard. With all of the stressful walks, uncontrollable barking, cat spats, and aggressive behaviour I thought we would never regain control over our dogs. What had happened to the sweet little pup we brought home two years earlier?!

Then I called Furry Logic dog training. The two main reasons that we chose them was that they would meet us in our home where the problems were actually happening, and the testimonials said that their techniques worked immediately. That was what we needed. We were skeptical that this was too good to be true, but when I explained our situation to Liz on the phone she was confident that she could help us bring our house back to order. She was able to meet us within two weeks of our initial phone call, and to our amazement (and huge relief!) we did see immediate results. Liz explained to us the way that dogs see the world and communicate with us (she even pointed out that our sweet cuddly Egbert was actually passively dominating us!), and how our everyday behaviour was actually encouraging our dog’s negative behaviours. She quickly taught us how to communicate with our dogs in a way that they understood, and went through different exercises with us to help us in our key problem areas. Liz told us that as our dogs began to understand that we were in control they would actually relax more and begin to trust us. We couldn’t believe how quickly the tactics she showed us began to work, and neither could our friends and family! In the past three months we have been able to stop almost all of the negative behaviours in our home and yard, and our walks continue to improve every week. It has been so nice to know that Liz and Yves are always there for support when we need them, and we are so grateful for the tools and knowledge that they have provided us with. Our dogs are once again a source of joy for us, rather than a source of tears and frustration! We would highly recommend Furry Logic dog training to anyone and everyone who is looking to improve their relationship with their dogs. Thank you so much Liz and Yves!!
I am extremely impressed to see my dog perform day-to-day activities at his full potential with the guidance demonstrated by the Furry Logic dog trainers. Here is my story.
We adopted Fozzie, a pitbull mix, at the age of 1½ years from an animal shelter in Manitoba. My expecting wife, and myself, recently moved to Alberta to start a new life with our new family but a fairy tale ending with our dog did not seem possible.
From the day we adopted Fozzie, he was excessively hyperactive and uncontrollable. His youthful energy that matched our own did not seem to be a problem for us until we got the news that a baby was on the way. We quickly had to buckle down and start controlling our dog and coming from a rural town to a big city was a big change for all of us, especially Fozzie. Suddenly, we had to lay down some ground rules on our hyperactive dominant dog.

Fozzie would chase after cars, and get all hyped up when he saw another dog. We could not control him on a leash, and hey, we never had too. We didn’t think it was possible for his behavior to change and that was when we started looking into professional training. We did not want to get rid of him, and still don’t, so giving him up was not an option. We figured we would try Furry Logic.
The trainers from Furry Logic taught us how our body language directly affects his energy and by channeling in on different energy with our body language we could control our dog. Sounds crazy, right? If you saw Fozzie 2 months ago and saw him now you wouldn’t believe the results! We can affectively walk him and control him. This tough, strong brute of a dog used to drag us around and now he looks for our leadership…a perfect relationship. As far as I’m concerned if Fozzie could be trained than any dog can be trained. Guests used to get clobbered by Fozzie at the entrance and now Fozzie greets them with respect.
The value of knowledge we as a family have gained from Furry Logic cannot be compared to any other method and believe me we tried them all. We tried all sorts of methods and tools before we resorted to help and looking back I could have saved a heck-of-a-load of money if I just got the advice from professionals originally. You can read what you can online, but these people have devoted their lives to understanding animal behavior and they have saved us from getting rid of a life we truly love.
Thanks for your help Furry Logic!
Charlee is a year and a half old miniature Schnauzer, with fear dominant personality. His first show of aggression was at eight weeks while brushing him. He drew blood and I was shocked. He played hard and was fun to watch. As he got older he was impossible to train. “No” meant “yes” to him. I couldn’t catch him. He would run. He chewed anything he could get a hold of. He didn’t want to be held. He would lie off in a corner. I was lost of how to help him and me.
I wanted to send him back to the breeders so many times but I couldn’t. I talked to the Vet, trainers, pet stores, the breeder, the net. A lot of their suggestions made it worse. He was afraid of people, bikes, cars and especially dogs. He fought the leash. Poor little Charlee. I was at my wits end.

Two months ago I heard of Furry Logic. They started to train me to understand how a dog thinks and functions in the pack, to gain his respect without instilling more fear, using mainly my voice and the leash. Today he is loving and gentle, comes when called, leashed trained. His fears are gone.
Thank you Yves and Liz. You were there in person and by phone when I needed you. We are ever grateful.
My two-year-old beagle Milo has always been a very spirited and determined dog, but after moving to a new home I was at my breaking point with Milo’s disobedience and separation anxiety. We had a real problem with Milo barking and howling while I was away, which caused complaints with neighbours, and created stress and anxiety in myself to even leave the house.
My two-year-old beagle Milo has always been a very spirited and determined dog, but after moving to a new home I was at my breaking point with Milo’s disobedience and separation anxiety. We had a real problem with Milo barking and howling while I was away, which caused complaints with neighbours, and created stress and anxiety in myself to even leave the house.

For our first lesson, Liz showed me how to communicate in a way that was very easy for Milo to understand. We addressed issues like jumping at people entering my home, and respect around food. Liz also provided me with education about dog logic and how misplaced hierarchy in my home was creating anxiety in Milo when I would leave the house.
Almost immediately I saw a huge difference in the way Milo would respond to my commands, where in the past he had a disregard for my direction or would even ignore it. It was completely amazing to see a dog who would normally ignore me start to listen so well!
For my second and third lessons Liz and Yves really focused on different techniques to help resolve the issues of dominance and control between Milo and myself, which are the underlying causes of his separation anxiety. Liz and Yves have given me a variety of tools and methods to help manage my dog in a number of situations whether in my home or outdoors – on leash or at the dog park.
I am incredibly grateful for reaching out to Furry Logic, without their help I would not have the structure and training I badly needed in order to restore respect and leadership between me and my dog!
I am so appreciative of all your help with Milo! I will be sure to keep you up to date on his progress and will utilize my email and phone support!
Thank you!
When we asked Liz into our home we had a huge assortment of issues we wanted to deal with. Our chocolate lab Bosco has separation anxiety and his behaviors when I would come home were becoming unmanageable between him nipping at me, jumping on me and out of control barking. We also had some aggression issues in the backyard with Bosco going after his brother Hrudey (10 month rottie x). I was at the point before Liz came in the house that I couldn’t even walk Bosco on a leash or take him to the dog park because of his behavior. Chevy our 7 year old collie x also had some major “refereeing” issues that often would result in snapping, snarling or even a fight. Chevy would often retreat to the bedroom and lay by himself away from everything and everyone simply because being the ref all the time was too stressful. We had issues with all the dogs when someone would come to our front door and trying to get guests settled in the house.

Liz simplified and explained what our dogs were needing from us as the leaders in the house. Liz does NOT promote any violence or even touching the dog while training our dogs. She spent a few hours with us and our dogs each session and was very diligent to make sure any questions we had were answered before she left…if we did or do have more questions for her we have unlimited support from her for 1 year. We have learnt so much about our dogs and about ourselves, what my dogs need from me is no longer a question.
I now come home to a quiet household, there are no more fights in the backyard with Bosco, and leash walking doesn’t seem like such an impossible feet anymore and we are making huge progress. Chevy has now realized that Kayla and I have things under control in the house and is always hanging out with us with no need to ref all the dogs play! We truly have a multi dog home I am proud to have people over to, we would not have been able to accomplish this with the help of Liz at Furry Logic Dog Training.
A lot of rescue dogs come in (Aimee and Kayla are foster parents for a rescue organization.) with behavioral issues which need the guidance and leadership of an amazing person. Every person has a different training style and way of getting things done. Liz came into our home and trained Kayla and I, she gave us the knowledge and tools needed to have a very happy home. Kayla and I strongly recommend Furry Logic Dog Training to anyone with pets!
My husband and I decided to get a dog after much consideration, and we couldn’t wait! We’d both had experience with dogs and I had grown up around all kinds of breeds. We were pretty sure we knew what we were in for. That was until our puppy, Barnaby, grew into a fearful-dominant 60lb dog. It started slowly; when we visited the dog park he began engaging in dominant behaviour such as mounting and pinning, which gradually turned into growling and lunging both at the park and on leash, and got to a point where we just couldn’t take him to dog parks anymore and had to be very careful on leash walks. He began barking uncontrollably at every little noise in the house, and Sean and I decided it was time to get some help. Our first experience with dog traning was through a different, well known organization. We tried their tactics for a while and saw some improvements, but Barnaby would alway behave differently in the classes than he would at home, which made it difficult to explain and improve his behaviours. Things took ten steps backwards when we adopted our second dog; Egbert. He had a very sweet temperament, but quickly picked up the bad habits of his big brother Barnaby. We still thought we could handle things; but our situation got even worse. Our cat suddenly decided he’d had enough of Barnaby being the boss and extremely stressful cat-dog battles ensued regularly. The final straw came when our new neighbours moved in with two bulldogs. Barnaby would aggressively attack the fence every time they were in the yard. With all of the stressful walks, uncontrollable barking, cat spats, and aggressive behaviour I thought we would never regain control over our dogs. What had happened to the sweet little pup we brought home two years earlier?!

Then I called Furry Logic dog training. The two main reasons that we chose them was that they would meet us in our home where the problems were actually happening, and the testimonials said that their techniques worked immediately. That was what we needed. We were skeptical that this was too good to be true, but when I explained our situation to Liz on the phone she was confident that she could help us bring our house back to order. She was able to meet us within two weeks of our initial phone call, and to our amazement (and huge relief!) we did see immediate results. Liz explained to us the way that dogs see the world and communicate with us (she even pointed out that our sweet cuddly Egbert was actually passively dominating us!), and how our everyday behaviour was actually encouraging our dog’s negative behaviours. She quickly taught us how to communicate with our dogs in a way that they understood, and went through different exercises with us to help us in our key problem areas. Liz told us that as our dogs began to understand that we were in control they would actually relax more and begin to trust us. We couldn’t believe how quickly the tactics she showed us began to work, and neither could our friends and family! In the past three months we have been able to stop almost all of the negative behaviours in our home and yard, and our walks continue to improve every week. It has been so nice to know that Liz and Yves are always there for support when we need them, and we are so grateful for the tools and knowledge that they have provided us with. Our dogs are once again a source of joy for us, rather than a source of tears and frustration! We would highly recommend Furry Logic dog training to anyone and everyone who is looking to improve their relationship with their dogs. Thank you so much Liz and Yves!!
Charlee is a year and a half old miniature Schnauzer, with fear dominant personality. His first show of aggression was at eight weeks while brushing him. He drew blood and I was shocked. He played hard and was fun to watch. As he got older he was impossible to train. “No” meant “yes” to him. I couldn’t catch him. He would run. He chewed anything he could get a hold of. He didn’t want to be held. He would lie off in a corner. I was lost of how to help him and me.
I wanted to send him back to the breeders so many times but I couldn’t. I talked to the Vet, trainers, pet stores, the breeder, the net. A lot of their suggestions made it worse. He was afraid of people, bikes, cars and especially dogs. He fought the leash. Poor little Charlee. I was at my wits end.

Two months ago I heard of Furry Logic. They started to train me to understand how a dog thinks and functions in the pack, to gain his respect without instilling more fear, using mainly my voice and the leash. Today he is loving and gentle, comes when called, leashed trained. His fears are gone.
Thank you Yves and Liz. You were there in person and by phone when I needed you. We are ever grateful.
I am extremely impressed to see my dog perform day-to-day activities at his full potential with the guidance demonstrated by the Furry Logic dog trainers. Here is my story.
We adopted Fozzie, a pitbull mix, at the age of 1½ years from an animal shelter in Manitoba. My expecting wife, and myself, recently moved to Alberta to start a new life with our new family but a fairy tale ending with our dog did not seem possible.
From the day we adopted Fozzie, he was excessively hyperactive and uncontrollable. His youthful energy that matched our own did not seem to be a problem for us until we got the news that a baby was on the way. We quickly had to buckle down and start controlling our dog and coming from a rural town to a big city was a big change for all of us, especially Fozzie. Suddenly, we had to lay down some ground rules on our hyperactive dominant dog.

Fozzie would chase after cars, and get all hyped up when he saw another dog. We could not control him on a leash, and hey, we never had too. We didn’t think it was possible for his behavior to change and that was when we started looking into professional training. We did not want to get rid of him, and still don’t, so giving him up was not an option. We figured we would try Furry Logic.
The trainers from Furry Logic taught us how our body language directly affects his energy and by channeling in on different energy with our body language we could control our dog. Sounds crazy, right? If you saw Fozzie 2 months ago and saw him now you wouldn’t believe the results! We can affectively walk him and control him. This tough, strong brute of a dog used to drag us around and now he looks for our leadership…a perfect relationship. As far as I’m concerned if Fozzie could be trained than any dog can be trained. Guests used to get clobbered by Fozzie at the entrance and now Fozzie greets them with respect.
The value of knowledge we as a family have gained from Furry Logic cannot be compared to any other method and believe me we tried them all. We tried all sorts of methods and tools before we resorted to help and looking back I could have saved a heck-of-a-load of money if I just got the advice from professionals originally. You can read what you can online, but these people have devoted their lives to understanding animal behavior and they have saved us from getting rid of a life we truly love.
Thanks for your help Furry Logic!
My two-year-old beagle Milo has always been a very spirited and determined dog, but after moving to a new home I was at my breaking point with Milo’s disobedience and separation anxiety. We had a real problem with Milo barking and howling while I was away, which caused complaints with neighbours, and created stress and anxiety in myself to even leave the house.
My two-year-old beagle Milo has always been a very spirited and determined dog, but after moving to a new home I was at my breaking point with Milo’s disobedience and separation anxiety. We had a real problem with Milo barking and howling while I was away, which caused complaints with neighbours, and created stress and anxiety in myself to even leave the house.

For our first lesson, Liz showed me how to communicate in a way that was very easy for Milo to understand. We addressed issues like jumping at people entering my home, and respect around food. Liz also provided me with education about dog logic and how misplaced hierarchy in my home was creating anxiety in Milo when I would leave the house.
Almost immediately I saw a huge difference in the way Milo would respond to my commands, where in the past he had a disregard for my direction or would even ignore it. It was completely amazing to see a dog who would normally ignore me start to listen so well!
For my second and third lessons Liz and Yves really focused on different techniques to help resolve the issues of dominance and control between Milo and myself, which are the underlying causes of his separation anxiety. Liz and Yves have given me a variety of tools and methods to help manage my dog in a number of situations whether in my home or outdoors – on leash or at the dog park.
I am incredibly grateful for reaching out to Furry Logic, without their help I would not have the structure and training I badly needed in order to restore respect and leadership between me and my dog!
I am so appreciative of all your help with Milo! I will be sure to keep you up to date on his progress and will utilize my email and phone support!
Thank you!
I would recommend Furry Logic to anyone who wants to have a peaceful family life with their dogs.
Liz and Yves are great team. They are both kind and honest. They have guided us to handle our dogs in a way that is fair for both the owners and the dogs. Before hiring them, we were overtired and overwhelmed by our dog’s behavioral issues. With the arrival of our baby, it seemed like our situation was to get worse and we were at our wit’s end.

The Furry Logic team took the time to access our home and to provide manageable and logical methods to train our dogs and ourselves. We noticed the difference in our dogs and family within one session with Liz .This experience was well worth the money and time. I cannot say enough of this team and we are happy to have them in our lives for the long term for when we need them. They have provided us with the confidence to help our dogs know their roles, and to have more realistic expectations of all in the family as well as how to have a safe and fun home.
My husband and I were feeling at the end of our rope with our dogs after we just purchased a new puppy and things just got out of hand. We started by reading a ton of books and then decided we needed one on one help. We did a lot of research and asked a lot of people for their recommendation and hands down we decided to go with Furry Logic. We have never looked back. Yves came to our home and we feel like we have a different relationship with our animals. He is AMAZING. Not only did he give us the tools required to have a healthy relationship with our animals but he gave us the confidence as well. He provides support and advice and paperwork to refer to and I can not say enough about this company. Stop your searching for help now and call Yves you will not regret it !

My husband and I had reached a point with our 3 year old black Lab Mo where we made the decision to investigate private dog training lessons. It was very stressful, as if we were unsuccessful in solving her separation anxiety issues we would have to look for a new home for her. We started reading reviews on Calgary based trainers and ended up reading the testimonials Yves and Liz have posted on the Furry Logic website. This is how we made our choice to work with Furry Logic and we couldn’t be happier with our results.
Our biggest concern with Mo was the separation anxiety, it was very difficult to leave the house as she would bark and destroy her bed when we would leave. It would create anxiety in us to leave the house anticipating this occurring and we were not enjoying having a dog the way we had envisioned (our first dog).
The first lesson we accomplished a lot, the separation anxiety issue was resolved, which was completely shocking. It made us wonder why we waited so long to address the issue and really made us realize how sad we would have been knowing we gave up our lovely dog when our primary concern was easily remedied with the proper training. We learned about how to communicate with Mo and read her body language.

Following the first lesson we were ecstatic as our primary concern was addressed and we would be keeping Mo. The second lesson we focused on our secondary issues: recall, loose leash walking and door manners. Yves provided us with further exercises to work on related to these issues and went further in depth on the human/dog hierarchy/relationship.
We waited a while to have our third lesson to let the previous lessons sink in and to work more with Mo. In our last lesson we focused on toy possessiveness, stealing food from our young nephews and nieces and backyard barking. We practiced some exercises which we will continue with when we are around young children and eventually our own.
My husband and I couldn’t be happier with Yves and Furry Logic as without their training and expertise we would not have the dog we love today. Not to mention he’s a great guy!
I just wanted to give you an update on Luca. Justin and I hired Furry Logic to come and help us with the dominant behavior and separation anxiety that he was having and it has worked wonderfully.
It has been 6 days and I already see quite the improvement. He is beginning to relax in his kennel (he is actually laying down before I leave and when I get home) and I have not come home to him defecating in his kennel since Thursday, which is the day that Justin left. I was also able to get some sleep this morning as he waited until my alarm went off and just whined once as opposed to constantly from 6am.

On top of that he is actually submitting and looking to me if he is not sure what I want. When we walk, he is choosing to heal or walk behind me rather than me having to correct him constantly. I am really happy with my experience and thank you so much for recommending them. We have only had two appointments with them and the improvement is already unbelievable. I even see a difference in his overall happiness. He wants to play more, our bond has improved and he is eager to please in all situations.
I just wanted to send you a big thank you for all that you have done to help our family.
“Buddy” is our beautiful purebred Black Labrador Retriever. He is still a puppy (under one year old) but very skilled at tricks & some basic commands however we were having some issues that needed to be dealt with such as jumping up on people, recall off leash and learning proper manners. We read the dog training books, watched the tv shows, internet videos and tried to correct the problems ourselves but were not having the success we hoped for. Liz from Furry Logic showed up at my door after a cry for help phone call by me and it was the best decision I made to hire Liz as our personal dog trainer. WHAT A DIFFERENCE! Our family & friends have not stopped complimenting us on how well behaved Buddy is & how much he has come along just after two training sessions. They say it’s like he’s a new dog! He is so pleasant to be around & much easier to handle. If you follow her advice & do the required homework you WILL see results. The convenience of Liz coming to the house was awesome! Best money spent on Dog Training! Call Furry Logic and I promise you will NOT be disappointed! Thank you Liz :o)

Following the first lesson we were ecstatic as our primary concern was addressed and we would be keeping Mo. The second lesson we focused on our secondary issues: recall, loose leash walking and door manners. Yves provided us with further exercises to work on related to these issues and went further in depth on the human/dog hierarchy/relationship.
We waited a while to have our third lesson to let the previous lessons sink in and to work more with Mo. In our last lesson we focused on toy possessiveness, stealing food from our young nephews and nieces and backyard barking. We practiced some exercises which we will continue with when we are around young children and eventually our own.
My husband and I couldn’t be happier with Yves and Furry Logic as without their training and expertise we would not have the dog we love today. Not to mention he’s a great guy!
My husband and I were feeling at the end of our rope with our dogs after we just purchased a new puppy and things just got out of hand. We started by reading a ton of books and then decided we needed one on one help. We did a lot of research and asked a lot of people for their recommendation and hands down we decided to go with Furry Logic. We have never looked back. Yves came to our home and we feel like we have a different relationship with our animals. He is AMAZING. Not only did he give us the tools required to have a healthy relationship with our animals but he gave us the confidence as well. He provides support and advice and paperwork to refer to and I can not say enough about this company. Stop your searching for help now and call Yves you will not regret it !

My husband and I decided to get a dog after much consideration, and we couldn’t wait! We’d both had experience with dogs and I had grown up around all kinds of breeds. We were pretty sure we knew what we were in for. That was until our puppy, Barnaby, grew into a fearful-dominant 60lb dog. It started slowly; when we visited the dog park he began engaging in dominant behaviour such as mounting and pinning, which gradually turned into growling and lunging both at the park and on leash, and got to a point where we just couldn’t take him to dog parks anymore and had to be very careful on leash walks. He began barking uncontrollably at every little noise in the house, and Sean and I decided it was time to get some help. Our first experience with dog traning was through a different, well known organization. We tried their tactics for a while and saw some improvements, but Barnaby would alway behave differently in the classes than he would at home, which made it difficult to explain and improve his behaviours. Things took ten steps backwards when we adopted our second dog; Egbert. He had a very sweet temperament, but quickly picked up the bad habits of his big brother Barnaby. We still thought we could handle things; but our situation got even worse. Our cat suddenly decided he’d had enough of Barnaby being the boss and extremely stressful cat-dog battles ensued regularly. The final straw came when our new neighbours moved in with two bulldogs. Barnaby would aggressively attack the fence every time they were in the yard. With all of the stressful walks, uncontrollable barking, cat spats, and aggressive behaviour I thought we would never regain control over our dogs. What had happened to the sweet little pup we brought home two years earlier?!

Then I called Furry Logic dog training. The two main reasons that we chose them was that they would meet us in our home where the problems were actually happening, and the testimonials said that their techniques worked immediately. That was what we needed. We were skeptical that this was too good to be true, but when I explained our situation to Liz on the phone she was confident that she could help us bring our house back to order. She was able to meet us within two weeks of our initial phone call, and to our amazement (and huge relief!) we did see immediate results. Liz explained to us the way that dogs see the world and communicate with us (she even pointed out that our sweet cuddly Egbert was actually passively dominating us!), and how our everyday behaviour was actually encouraging our dog’s negative behaviours. She quickly taught us how to communicate with our dogs in a way that they understood, and went through different exercises with us to help us in our key problem areas. Liz told us that as our dogs began to understand that we were in control they would actually relax more and begin to trust us. We couldn’t believe how quickly the tactics she showed us began to work, and neither could our friends and family! In the past three months we have been able to stop almost all of the negative behaviours in our home and yard, and our walks continue to improve every week. It has been so nice to know that Liz and Yves are always there for support when we need them, and we are so grateful for the tools and knowledge that they have provided us with. Our dogs are once again a source of joy for us, rather than a source of tears and frustration! We would highly recommend Furry Logic dog training to anyone and everyone who is looking to improve their relationship with their dogs. Thank you so much Liz and Yves!!
When we asked Liz into our home we had a huge assortment of issues we wanted to deal with. Our chocolate lab Bosco has separation anxiety and his behaviors when I would come home were becoming unmanageable between him nipping at me, jumping on me and out of control barking. We also had some aggression issues in the backyard with Bosco going after his brother Hrudey (10 month rottie x). I was at the point before Liz came in the house that I couldn’t even walk Bosco on a leash or take him to the dog park because of his behavior. Chevy our 7 year old collie x also had some major “refereeing” issues that often would result in snapping, snarling or even a fight. Chevy would often retreat to the bedroom and lay by himself away from everything and everyone simply because being the ref all the time was too stressful. We had issues with all the dogs when someone would come to our front door and trying to get guests settled in the house.

Liz simplified and explained what our dogs were needing from us as the leaders in the house. Liz does NOT promote any violence or even touching the dog while training our dogs. She spent a few hours with us and our dogs each session and was very diligent to make sure any questions we had were answered before she left…if we did or do have more questions for her we have unlimited support from her for 1 year. We have learnt so much about our dogs and about ourselves, what my dogs need from me is no longer a question.
I now come home to a quiet household, there are no more fights in the backyard with Bosco, and leash walking doesn’t seem like such an impossible feet anymore and we are making huge progress. Chevy has now realized that Kayla and I have things under control in the house and is always hanging out with us with no need to ref all the dogs play! We truly have a multi dog home I am proud to have people over to, we would not have been able to accomplish this with the help of Liz at Furry Logic Dog Training.
A lot of rescue dogs come in (Aimee and Kayla are foster parents for a rescue organization.) with behavioral issues which need the guidance and leadership of an amazing person. Every person has a different training style and way of getting things done. Liz came into our home and trained Kayla and I, she gave us the knowledge and tools needed to have a very happy home. Kayla and I strongly recommend Furry Logic Dog Training to anyone with pets!
My husband and I had reached a point with our 3 year old black Lab Mo where we made the decision to investigate private dog training lessons. It was very stressful, as if we were unsuccessful in solving her separation anxiety issues we would have to look for a new home for her. We started reading reviews on Calgary based trainers and ended up reading the testimonials Yves and Liz have posted on the Furry Logic website. This is how we made our choice to work with Furry Logic and we couldn’t be happier with our results.
Our biggest concern with Mo was the separation anxiety, it was very difficult to leave the house as she would bark and destroy her bed when we would leave. It would create anxiety in us to leave the house anticipating this occurring and we were not enjoying having a dog the way we had envisioned (our first dog).
The first lesson we accomplished a lot, the separation anxiety issue was resolved, which was completely shocking. It made us wonder why we waited so long to address the issue and really made us realize how sad we would have been knowing we gave up our lovely dog when our primary concern was easily remedied with the proper training. We learned about how to communicate with Mo and read her body language.

Following the first lesson we were ecstatic as our primary concern was addressed and we would be keeping Mo. The second lesson we focused on our secondary issues: recall, loose leash walking and door manners. Yves provided us with further exercises to work on related to these issues and went further in depth on the human/dog hierarchy/relationship.
We waited a while to have our third lesson to let the previous lessons sink in and to work more with Mo. In our last lesson we focused on toy possessiveness, stealing food from our young nephews and nieces and backyard barking. We practiced some exercises which we will continue with when we are around young children and eventually our own.
My husband and I couldn’t be happier with Yves and Furry Logic as without their training and expertise we would not have the dog we love today. Not to mention he’s a great guy!
My two-year-old beagle Milo has always been a very spirited and determined dog, but after moving to a new home I was at my breaking point with Milo’s disobedience and separation anxiety. We had a real problem with Milo barking and howling while I was away, which caused complaints with neighbours, and created stress and anxiety in myself to even leave the house.
My two-year-old beagle Milo has always been a very spirited and determined dog, but after moving to a new home I was at my breaking point with Milo’s disobedience and separation anxiety. We had a real problem with Milo barking and howling while I was away, which caused complaints with neighbours, and created stress and anxiety in myself to even leave the house.

For our first lesson, Liz showed me how to communicate in a way that was very easy for Milo to understand. We addressed issues like jumping at people entering my home, and respect around food. Liz also provided me with education about dog logic and how misplaced hierarchy in my home was creating anxiety in Milo when I would leave the house.
Almost immediately I saw a huge difference in the way Milo would respond to my commands, where in the past he had a disregard for my direction or would even ignore it. It was completely amazing to see a dog who would normally ignore me start to listen so well!
For my second and third lessons Liz and Yves really focused on different techniques to help resolve the issues of dominance and control between Milo and myself, which are the underlying causes of his separation anxiety. Liz and Yves have given me a variety of tools and methods to help manage my dog in a number of situations whether in my home or outdoors – on leash or at the dog park.
I am incredibly grateful for reaching out to Furry Logic, without their help I would not have the structure and training I badly needed in order to restore respect and leadership between me and my dog!
I am so appreciative of all your help with Milo! I will be sure to keep you up to date on his progress and will utilize my email and phone support!
Thank you!