How can I calm my dog before a walk? Teaching your dog to wait

Dog behaviour

Getting ready to walk your dog – teaching her to wait

Teaching your dog to wait for you to go through the door first will help her be a calmer dog. To achieve this, stand with your back to the door, facing your dog. If necessary, walk towards your dog to back her up. Do not pull her back with the leash. Take a quick glance behind to see the doorknob. Eyes back on the dog. Reach behind you and open the door. Wait calmly until your dog looks up at you. Say your dog’s name to help get her focus on you. Once she realizes that you won’t be rushed and relaxes, step across the threshold backward keeping your eyes on your dog. When you have good eye contact, give your release command.

It may take several minutes for your dog to understand that she needs to control her excitement. Consider this time period as part of your walk and shorten your actual walking time accordingly. This little exercise is brainwork for your dog and will tire her out just as much if not more than the walk you had planned for her. Give it a try!

teaching your dog to wait: how to get your dog to calm before a walk

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